


Mo is a PhD student in the EIT-PolyU collaborative program since 2022, focusing on deciphering fluid flow and solute transport within rock fractures. His research interests lie in the intersection of particle tracking, micro-CT, SEM images, rock mechanical experiments, numerical modeling, geophysical prospecting, microfluidic circuits, and in-situ tests to comprehend flow dynamics within rough discontinuities. Specifically, he is intrigued by the complexities of chemically or bacterially mediated rock discontinuities and the impacts of fault features on regional hydraulic behavior. 

Research area

Utilizing geophysical data for evaluating large-scale rock mass characteristics

Comprehending fluid flow and particle transport with rough rock fractures, ranging from microcracks to faults

Deciphering the impacts of chemical, thermal, and bacterial processes on the hydraulic behavior of fractures

Educational background

2022.09 - Now: Ph.D., Rock Mechanics, EIT-PolyU, China (Ningbo-Hong Kong)

2012.09 - 2022.09: Research Assistant, Rock Mechanics, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran (Isfahan)

2009.09 - 2012.09: M.Sc., Rock Mechanics, IUT, Iran (Isfahan)

2005.09 - 2009.09: B.Sc., Mining Engineering, IUT, Iran (Isfahan)


1. Akbariforouz, Mo; Zhao, Qi; Taherdangkoo, Reza; Baghbanan, Alireza; Butscher, Christoph; & Zheng, Chunmiao (2023). Prediction of tunnel squeezing in soft sedimentary rocks by geoelectrical data. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82(7). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10835-0

2. Akbariforouz, Mo; Zhao, Qi; Chen, Kewei; Baghbanan, Alireza; Narimani Dehnavi, Rohollah, & Zheng, Chunmiao (2022). Statistical study of squeezing for soft rocks based on factor and regression analyses of effective parameters. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 163, 105306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2022.105306